Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reality, Christie's definition

Merriam-Webster defines reality as the quality or state of being real. To me, this seems like a very broad definition, one that covers anything imaginable. I define reality as something you can feel, touch, see, hear, and believe in. Reality and faith are synonyms to me. Reality is everyday life, while I am awake I am living a real life. With a real family, real food, real clothes, real technology, and real people. When I sleep is when I dream, when my reality is altered, it is a dream, not reality. I remember as a kid I would pretend that my dreams were reality while my actual life was all a dream. Believing in something and believing it is reality changed my outlook on life. I took more risks and I cared less. I like my dreams because I could also control them and make myself happy no matter what. It is an interesting concept. I think reality is belief in something, it is faith. It is interesting to see how people act differently when they believe something is reality. A good example of that is a mock exam verse a real exam, people freeze up and get nervous during a real test while during a mock exam, they known they have more time to study so they relax. Reality makes us nervous, dreams make us calm. There is a difference. We are afraid of reality, to believe in something.